How many vegetable plants should I grow per person?

How many vegetable plants should I grow per person?

I'm a huge advocate for starting all of your vegetable crops from seed. Not only does it save a lot of money, but it allows you to have access to a huge selection of cultivars you wont find as transplants. 

It can be rather daunting trying to figure out how many of each vegetable crop you need to grow to feed an entire household.

Below is a chart with estimates on how many of each crop should be grown per person, to yield a years worth of food. This is an estimate based on average consumption and eating it fresh as it grows. I always grow a few extras just in case some seedlings/transplants die. If you just eat a lot of a certain crop, then grow more.

***If you plan to preserve your harvest by freezing or canning, it is suggested that you multiply these numbers by 4.***


Artichoke 2
Arugula 5
Asparagus 15
Basil 2
Beans - Bush Snap Beans (green beans) 20
Beans - Pole Snap Beans (green beans) 10
Beans - Bush Lima Beans 10
Beans - Fava 8
Beans - Chickpea 8
Beans - Soy 10
Beets 10
Bok Choy


Broccoli 6
Brussel Sprouts 6
Cabbage - Regular Heading 8
Cabbage - Napa 8
Carrots 30
Cauliflower 6
Celery 10
Chayote 1
Chicory 2
Cilantro 2
Collard Greens 2
Corn 24
Cucumbers - Fresh/Market 4
Cucumber - For Pickling 8
Dill 1
Eggplant 3
Fennel 2
Garlic (from single cloves) 16
Jicama 2
Kale 5
Kohlrabi 5
Leek 15
Lettuce 15
Melons 2
Mustard Greens 6
Okra 6
Onions 24
Parsley 2
Parsnip 10
Peas 30
Peppers 4
Potatoes 25
Pumpkins 3
Radicchio 6
Radish 15
Rhubarb 4
Rutabaga 10
Spinach 15
Summer Squash 4
Winter Squash 3
Strawberry 6
Sweet Potatoes 5
Swiss Chard 5
Tomatoes - Beefsteak 4
Tomatoes - Cherry 4
Tomatoes for making sauce 6
Turnips 14
Watermelons 2


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1 comment

LOVE this! Thank you so much. Just what I have been looking for!


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