August Garden Guide For Garden Zones 8-11

August Garden Guide For Garden Zones 8-11

August Garden Guide for Zones +8

Check out the video version of this guide on my YouTube channel: 

It is still very hot outside during the month of August. Many gardeners are experiencing extreme heat with either very dry weather (west coast states) or very rainy weather (like here in Florida). Only the toughest plants will survive and continue to produce. 

It is time to start planning your fall garden and gathering seeds/plants. I am doing a live series on my YouTube channel, that I call "Grow Along With Me". basically I walk you thru the whole process of fall garden planning and planting. So make sure your subscribed to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications that way you get alerted of when I go live. Also join my email newsletter HERE, so I can send you the schedule with dates/times.

Start From Seeds in August

Squash/Pumpkin - Its time to start seeds for a fall squash harvest. if you struggle to grow squash or pumpkins because of the worms or squash vine borer, pick cultivars in the Curcubitae Moschata family. This group has thicker and harder stems that make it more difficult for pests such as squash bugs and vine borers to get into. Here are some of my favorites in this group: Seminole pumpkin, calabaza, Lunga di Napoli, Musquee de Provence, butternut, and tromboncino rampicante. I'm not saying you wont get pests. It is just that these cultivars can handle a lot of pest damage before ultimately dying so it increases your chances of harvesting something. I use spinosad or BT sprays to control worms and other chewing insects. Find the spinosad and BT from Amazon HERE. I highly recommend that you start seeds in doors. The pests will chew up your tender seedlings very quickly. Starting them in doors will protect them from the high pest and disease pressure situation that is present during the summer.

Check out my How to Grow Squash and Zucchini From Seed YouTube video tutorial:

Cucumbers - Its time to sow seeds for all types of cucumbers. If you want to grow extra tough, disease resistant cultivars, then pick Asian cultivars like Suyo Long, Sooyow Nishiki, China Jade, and Japanese Long. But again we are going into fall when the disease pressure will decrease so its ok to grow other types of cucumbers like pickling or market varieties. If you get powdery mildew or other leaf diseases - Spray with 1 cup hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water. Spray with BT or spinosad to control the worms. 

*** HUGE note about sowing seeds for SQUASH AND CUCUMBERS right now during the month of August*** I highly recommend that you start seeds in doors. The pests will chew up your tender seedlings very quickly. Starting them in doors will protect them from the high pest and disease pressure situation that is present outside during the summer. If your in Florida, all of the rain causes growth of pathogens like molds and fungus that spread thru the air and easily infect seedlings. The situation outside is not a nice clean and safe environment for seedlings right now.

Check out my How to Grow Cucumbers from seed to harvest YouTube video tutorial:

Yard long beans and winged beans - Traditional bush and pole beans do not grow well in extreme summer heat. In August we still have days over 100F. You can continue to sow yard long or winged beans. They are still productive despite the heat/humidity/rain. Direct sow some seeds right now.

Check out my how to grow yard long beans from seed to harvest YouTube video tutorial:

Brassicas Family (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, etc...) - It is time to sow seeds for these types of crops, but indoors only. This family of veggies is very sensitive to heat. It will stunt the growth of their seedlings and they might never recover. Sow 2 seeds per 4 inch container. I do not like sowing seeds for brassicas in smaller containers because they easily get root bound which will also stunt their growth. Start fertilizing when they grow their first set of true leaves with an all purpose liquid fertilizer at half strength of whatever the directions say. By October these crops should be a nice transplant size.

Check out my live garden class where I discuss when to start sowing seeds for brassicas, how to sow the seeds, and tips for growing a good brassicas harvest in warm winter climates:

Southern Peas, Black Eyed Peas, Cow Peas, Okra - Direct sow seeds for any of these types of peas. I like to start okra seeds in solo cups. They are ready to transplant once the root systems are large enough to take over the solo cup. These crops are vigorous growers during the high heat of August. I love to plant southern peas under my fruit trees as a living mulch that produces something edible. My absolute favorite is the Pink Eye Purple Hull pea for its buttery flavor and texture.

Flowers - these are my recommendations on flowers that handle the heat, pests, and diseases pretty well during the summer. Amaranth, zinnias, sunflowers, cosmos, moonflowers, celosia, blanket flower, lantana, salvia, sage, Thai Double Blue Butterfly Pea, Calendula, and marigolds. You can direct sow these seeds, just make sure you keep the soil area moist to aid in germination. I recommend that you start the Thai Double Blue Butterfly Pea in solo cups. Its a little slow growing so its best to start in pots/containers where you can monitor it more closely.

Check out my how to grow sunflowers from seed to bloom YouTube video tutorial:

Herbs - It is time to sow seeds for all sorts of herbs so they are nice transplant size by the end of September/October. Traditional herbs like basil, cilantro (yes cilantro does not like extreme heat), fennel, or sage do not like the extreme heat situation that is outside right now. So I recommend to sow seeds for these in doors if you can. You can also continue to plant more of these tropical, heat loving herbs right now during the month of August - Thai basil, mint, agastache (Korean Mint), green onions, bay leaf, Cuban oregano, ginger, turmeric, lemon grass, papalo, and garlic chives.

Heat tolerant greens (started from seed)- Molokhia & New Zealand Spinach - These greens are very easy to start from seed. You can direct sow or sow in pots.

Corn - Seeds are easily direct sown this time of year, but be prepared for the corn ear worm. Use spinosad to control the corn ear worm. Fertilize with something high in nitrogen and water consistently.

Find the spinosad from Amazon HERE

Check out my How to Grow Corn From Seed to Harvest Guide on my YouTube channel HERE.

Transplant into the garden during the month of August

Heat loving tropical greens - Longevity Spinach, Okinawan Spinach, Katuk, Malabar Spinach, Yerba Mate, Chaya, Sisso Spinach, & South Sea Salad Tree - Transplant into the garden as these usually are not propagated by seeds. I have lots of plants on my website if you want to try growing some of these. They grow well in both full sun or some partial shade. I like to grow these crops under my fruit trees because they block out weeds and provide something edible. 

Ginger, Shampoo Ginger (Awapihi), Turmeric, & Galangal - If your in zones +9, it is safe to plant these root crops outdoors. I have a tendency to grow them in containers or grow bags because they easily spread via underground rhizomes. I have plants or rhizomes for both culinary ginger and shampoo ginger available on my website.

Watch my How to Grow Shampoo Ginger YouTube video tutorial:

Tropical Fruit Crops - If you are in zones 9 and up, you can still plant fruit trees and plants right now, so they get a little established before winter arrives. Here are some ideas: Pineapples, papayas, Barbados cherry, Grumichama, Jamaican strawberry tree, ice cream bean, bananas, plantains, passionfruit, blackberries, muscadine grapes, mulberries . Keep them watered until they are established. If your located in a rainy area, then just monitor these newly planted trees/plants to make sure they don't dry out.

Check out my "How to grow Barbados Cherry" YouTube tutorial.

Check out my how to grow pineapples video tutorial here:

Check out my how to grow muscadine grapes tutorial here:

Ground Cherries aka Gooseberry aka Physalis - I grow a ton of these because they are a perennial edible crop in zones +9. Seeds require light to germinate. Because of this I like to start them in 4 inch pots so I can place them under a strong light. Do not cover the seeds with soil. They are ready to transplant once the root system takes over the whole pot. In my zone 9B garden, the winter was not cold enough to kill them. If your in zones 8 and lower, it can cause damage.

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Thank you for all your advise! It has improved all aspects of my garden here is Florida Zone 9. Your guide are superb for planning my garden for Spring & Fall. Easy to Understand and Easy to Do.


You have help me so very very much. I am a beginner I want to make sure my family has the fresh vegetables and you really help me out explaining so much the size of crops, etc. thank you again.

Teresa Acker

Thank you so very much. This is really helping me out. I’m in zone 10 and I saw so glad you explained different past and where to plant different vegetables. Thank you again for all you do.

Teresa Acker

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